Wher can I find a job in Sacramento, California or Phoenix, Arizona?
Yeah well I know I am underage , (14 years young) but I need some money because I am going to High School and want to purchase a brand new wardrobe. I might go to Phoenix, Arizona in the summer if I can find a job down there. What stores hire, family restraunts? The reason I asked myself instead of reading other answers is because al I've seen is babysitting, mowing lawns, stuff like that. Thats great and all but I am looking to get out the house and a paycheck that is guaranteed. Babysitting can be here one day and gone the next. Which stores are hiring, do I need a work permit. I can't be a mother's helper (she doesn't have money either) Give me the names of the stores? summer jobs 14+ no sarcasm Also please, no cashbox.com or quickcash.com or any of that stuff, just local jobs willing to pay 14 year olds only!
Small Business - 2 Answers
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well i can tell you places for when your 15, in sacra theres always like safe way and longs maybe. also i would go in and ask some of the fast food places (even though most of those places are 16 when dealing with food) also like food locker or footaction usa in arden fair. i would just go into different places and ask the hiring age and stuff. i also dont know if you know spanish but a lot of the taqerias will hire too. i know when you turn 16 you can apply at like jamba juice as well. also a lot of the thrift stores in sacra and nor cal will hire younger people.
I thought you might be interested in checking this out... http://QuickCashOnly.info
Monday, May 30, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Advice on massage therapy schools in phoenix?
Advice on massage therapy schools in phoenix?
I am considering going to school for massage therapy, and am comparing different schools in the area. Is anybody a massage therapist that went to school in this area that can tell be a bit about their experience? Or perhaps list some of the pros and cons of the field in general, or the schools here? I am looking at cortiva institute and the arizona school of massage therapy
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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Cortiva is a big conglomeration who is taking over the massage profession and buying up all the smaller privately owned massage schools. If they bought a local school and that school also keeps it's integrity - it will be a good school but for the most part Cortiva is too driven by money and getting anyone to become a massage therapist rather than screening people to find out if they are a match for a career in massage. The best way to compare schools is to go in and talk to the teachers, sit in classes, talk to students, talk to graduates and go in and get a massage in their student clinic and see for yourself how each school feels. What is good for one person may not work for others so going on personal recommendations doesn't always work.
I have attended the Utah College of Massage Therapy which is the same school. I have heard though that it has changed a lot. Very important, before you decide on a school, find out about the different techniques they are teaching and how many hours for each technique. If they are teaching you 15 different techniques in a short period of time, then you might want to consider another school. Also watch for class-room size, the smaller the class the better. After you graduate, you are not done. Find your niche. What do you prefer? The mechanical massage or energy work. Follow your intuition. Don't chase the money. People will sense that and you won't become successful. Watch your body mechanics. It is important to stretch after a full day of work and keep good body posture. If you keep that in mind you will not have any health issues caused by massage therapy.
I am considering going to school for massage therapy, and am comparing different schools in the area. Is anybody a massage therapist that went to school in this area that can tell be a bit about their experience? Or perhaps list some of the pros and cons of the field in general, or the schools here? I am looking at cortiva institute and the arizona school of massage therapy
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Cortiva is a big conglomeration who is taking over the massage profession and buying up all the smaller privately owned massage schools. If they bought a local school and that school also keeps it's integrity - it will be a good school but for the most part Cortiva is too driven by money and getting anyone to become a massage therapist rather than screening people to find out if they are a match for a career in massage. The best way to compare schools is to go in and talk to the teachers, sit in classes, talk to students, talk to graduates and go in and get a massage in their student clinic and see for yourself how each school feels. What is good for one person may not work for others so going on personal recommendations doesn't always work.
I have attended the Utah College of Massage Therapy which is the same school. I have heard though that it has changed a lot. Very important, before you decide on a school, find out about the different techniques they are teaching and how many hours for each technique. If they are teaching you 15 different techniques in a short period of time, then you might want to consider another school. Also watch for class-room size, the smaller the class the better. After you graduate, you are not done. Find your niche. What do you prefer? The mechanical massage or energy work. Follow your intuition. Don't chase the money. People will sense that and you won't become successful. Watch your body mechanics. It is important to stretch after a full day of work and keep good body posture. If you keep that in mind you will not have any health issues caused by massage therapy.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
What is life like in Phoenix, Arizona?
What is life like in Phoenix, Arizona?
I wanna know what the temperture is like, culture, anything, just TELL me, because i might be moving there after high school. eww im not very religious at all
Phoenix - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
hot. really, really hot and surprisingly very religious. it is definitly a christian community
Moved here (Phoenix) when I was 2 from Boston. I have to say I miss it (I visit often) but I love Phoenix! Plenty to do during the summer, heat is nice when you have a pool. Plus, we don't get any threats from earthquakes or tornadoes, things like that. It's just a generally great place to be.
well its hot as hell lol and i live on 63rd & thomas wich is west side if yew dont like gangs & drugs then i suggest scottsdale, thats were all the white ppl at phoenix will get yo ass tore up if yew aint from there but i wouldnt live anywhere else :]
Phoenix kicks ass, yea it gets really hot but as long as you're around a body of water ( lakes, pools, waterparks), its really not to bad. I have lived in phoenix since i was 6 months and its really not so bad when you're used to it. I lived on the west side off of 71st ave and camelback and also of 63rd ave and thomas it's not so bad, but scottsdale is ,more of the richy people and west side is rougher, but as long as you arent some prissy you should be fine. I live in centraql phoenix now but i miss the west side so much, its my side and no matter where i live i will always consider it home there. And there are lots of different religions out here, it doesnt mean you have to be into it. just watch out for the jehovah witnesses they get annoying sometimes, but i havent had to deal with them lately.
It's not religious if you aren't religious. It just depends where you put yourself. I have been here since I was 21, and I"m 25 now. I have found it slightly hard to find a "close group" of friends; there are a lot of shallow people around here. The summers are hot, just sit in a sauna at your local YMCA for a few minutes and that's what you'll experience for a few months. But the rest of the year it's nice. In the winters, I think it actually gets pretty chilly. Phx is a big, small city. At first, it'll seem like a large city but after you roll around and get to know people in different parts, it really isn't that big at all. You'll find yourself seeing people you know when you're out and about; and since a majority of the people are from the midwest, everyone is pretty nice. Like any other city, it has its ghetto areas, but if you don't hang out in those parts of town, you really don't notice it much. Moving here after HS to go to college? If so, I'd recommend living in the dorms the first year. You'll find it hard to afford an apartment without working, and school will take up most of your time so it'll be hard to work to earn that money to pay for everything .Arizona can get real expensive real fast, especially with gas. Gas may go down and get cheap but Phx is a VERY spread out city and before you know it, you'll find yourself driving 20-25 miles just to one place and there goes your gas in a hurry. Also, dorms are a great way to meet people. IF you plan on drinking before you're 21, AZ has some of the toughest laws in the nation when it comes to drinking and driving so mind that as well. Good luck to you
dooo not come here. ive been living in phoenix for 8 years and its sooo boring specially for teenagers and people that wanna goo out. when u first come ull be okay with it but when uve lived here for a year or 2 ull regret moving her becus theres never anything new barely any funn places to go i wish i cud move somewhere else and its REALLLY hot during the summer and during winter its not that cold its only chilly in the morning and usually the sun comes up around 10 a.m and its good
I wanna know what the temperture is like, culture, anything, just TELL me, because i might be moving there after high school. eww im not very religious at all
Phoenix - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
hot. really, really hot and surprisingly very religious. it is definitly a christian community
Moved here (Phoenix) when I was 2 from Boston. I have to say I miss it (I visit often) but I love Phoenix! Plenty to do during the summer, heat is nice when you have a pool. Plus, we don't get any threats from earthquakes or tornadoes, things like that. It's just a generally great place to be.
well its hot as hell lol and i live on 63rd & thomas wich is west side if yew dont like gangs & drugs then i suggest scottsdale, thats were all the white ppl at phoenix will get yo ass tore up if yew aint from there but i wouldnt live anywhere else :]
Phoenix kicks ass, yea it gets really hot but as long as you're around a body of water ( lakes, pools, waterparks), its really not to bad. I have lived in phoenix since i was 6 months and its really not so bad when you're used to it. I lived on the west side off of 71st ave and camelback and also of 63rd ave and thomas it's not so bad, but scottsdale is ,more of the richy people and west side is rougher, but as long as you arent some prissy you should be fine. I live in centraql phoenix now but i miss the west side so much, its my side and no matter where i live i will always consider it home there. And there are lots of different religions out here, it doesnt mean you have to be into it. just watch out for the jehovah witnesses they get annoying sometimes, but i havent had to deal with them lately.
It's not religious if you aren't religious. It just depends where you put yourself. I have been here since I was 21, and I"m 25 now. I have found it slightly hard to find a "close group" of friends; there are a lot of shallow people around here. The summers are hot, just sit in a sauna at your local YMCA for a few minutes and that's what you'll experience for a few months. But the rest of the year it's nice. In the winters, I think it actually gets pretty chilly. Phx is a big, small city. At first, it'll seem like a large city but after you roll around and get to know people in different parts, it really isn't that big at all. You'll find yourself seeing people you know when you're out and about; and since a majority of the people are from the midwest, everyone is pretty nice. Like any other city, it has its ghetto areas, but if you don't hang out in those parts of town, you really don't notice it much. Moving here after HS to go to college? If so, I'd recommend living in the dorms the first year. You'll find it hard to afford an apartment without working, and school will take up most of your time so it'll be hard to work to earn that money to pay for everything .Arizona can get real expensive real fast, especially with gas. Gas may go down and get cheap but Phx is a VERY spread out city and before you know it, you'll find yourself driving 20-25 miles just to one place and there goes your gas in a hurry. Also, dorms are a great way to meet people. IF you plan on drinking before you're 21, AZ has some of the toughest laws in the nation when it comes to drinking and driving so mind that as well. Good luck to you
dooo not come here. ive been living in phoenix for 8 years and its sooo boring specially for teenagers and people that wanna goo out. when u first come ull be okay with it but when uve lived here for a year or 2 ull regret moving her becus theres never anything new barely any funn places to go i wish i cud move somewhere else and its REALLLY hot during the summer and during winter its not that cold its only chilly in the morning and usually the sun comes up around 10 a.m and its good
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Anyone know of a good CDL school in Arizona?
Anyone know of a good CDL school in Arizona?
looking to get my CDL. But i hear alot of "horror" stories of bad schools or gettin stuck working with bad companies after you get your CDL... Just looking for a good place to get my CDL in metro-Phoenix area that is relatively quick. (my friend is taking a 6 month coarse, but another friend in michigan did it in 4 week 10 hrs a day 5 days a week and got hired a week after gettin his cdl)
Other - Cars & Transportation - 1 Answers
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I went to Western Truck in March 1999. 4 wk course, chose to work locally in Flag. Everyone went through the states job services, no out of pocket. Good instructors. The better companies were Schneider, Werner, Knight. Low pay, bad company associated w/Swift. Looks like they have an under 3 wk course on their site. good luck.. 6025 N 27th Ave Ste 2 Phoenix, Az 85017 (602)266-5250 (800)929-1318 http://www.westerntruckschoolusa.org/main.html
looking to get my CDL. But i hear alot of "horror" stories of bad schools or gettin stuck working with bad companies after you get your CDL... Just looking for a good place to get my CDL in metro-Phoenix area that is relatively quick. (my friend is taking a 6 month coarse, but another friend in michigan did it in 4 week 10 hrs a day 5 days a week and got hired a week after gettin his cdl)
Other - Cars & Transportation - 1 Answers
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I went to Western Truck in March 1999. 4 wk course, chose to work locally in Flag. Everyone went through the states job services, no out of pocket. Good instructors. The better companies were Schneider, Werner, Knight. Low pay, bad company associated w/Swift. Looks like they have an under 3 wk course on their site. good luck.. 6025 N 27th Ave Ste 2 Phoenix, Az 85017 (602)266-5250 (800)929-1318 http://www.westerntruckschoolusa.org/main.html
Sunday, May 22, 2011
What can children ages seven to 12 do after school to stay out of trouble?
What can children ages seven to 12 do after school to stay out of trouble?
there are children this age group just tearing up my apartment complex out of sheer boredom when they get home from school every day. Where can I send them that they would enjoy going to,that dont cost a lot of money. Any ideas? These kids are killing me. They're not bad kids, they just don't have any supervision, and their parents do not discipline them. We live in phoenix Arizona, are there any adult supervised clubs or REC Centers or ???
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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music school, childcare centers where they organise lots of after-school activities for children, sports (basketball, soccer, football, roller-blading, ice-skating etc.) if they are delinquents, call the social workers or police.
there are children this age group just tearing up my apartment complex out of sheer boredom when they get home from school every day. Where can I send them that they would enjoy going to,that dont cost a lot of money. Any ideas? These kids are killing me. They're not bad kids, they just don't have any supervision, and their parents do not discipline them. We live in phoenix Arizona, are there any adult supervised clubs or REC Centers or ???
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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music school, childcare centers where they organise lots of after-school activities for children, sports (basketball, soccer, football, roller-blading, ice-skating etc.) if they are delinquents, call the social workers or police.
Friday, May 20, 2011
New RN in Phoenix, Arizona?
New RN in Phoenix, Arizona?
I'm in RN school and I've been hearing that hospitals are not inclined to hire new nurses off the bat anymore. What is the realistic gap between graduation and finding a job in Phoenix, Arizona? New grads in the area, please let me know how it's going :) Thanks!
Health Care - 1 Answers
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I will give you a little insider tip. I work at MedPro (Medical Professional Associates of AZ) and we are actually the one who staffs the county hospital. Like the doctors work at the hospital but they get their paychecks and benefits through us. We have 11 departments- such as OB, Psych, Radiology, Pediatrics, etc. You could check out the website www.medprodoctors.com and maybe email one of the department administrators (DAs) about any possible job opportunities. The DA's are really cool so one of them might be inclined to give you a shot and get you in the hospital under our doctors, I know we hire nurses too, not just MDs. Most people don't know about my company, good luck :)
I'm in RN school and I've been hearing that hospitals are not inclined to hire new nurses off the bat anymore. What is the realistic gap between graduation and finding a job in Phoenix, Arizona? New grads in the area, please let me know how it's going :) Thanks!
Health Care - 1 Answers
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I will give you a little insider tip. I work at MedPro (Medical Professional Associates of AZ) and we are actually the one who staffs the county hospital. Like the doctors work at the hospital but they get their paychecks and benefits through us. We have 11 departments- such as OB, Psych, Radiology, Pediatrics, etc. You could check out the website www.medprodoctors.com and maybe email one of the department administrators (DAs) about any possible job opportunities. The DA's are really cool so one of them might be inclined to give you a shot and get you in the hospital under our doctors, I know we hire nurses too, not just MDs. Most people don't know about my company, good luck :)
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Move to Phoenix Arizona?
Move to Phoenix Arizona?
My children and I are thinking about moving to the Phoenix Arizona area. The cost of living is awesome and we can live nice for a low price. What area in Phoenix is the safest area to raise kids? I know Arizona has alot of crime but I am sure there are some safer areas to raise kids and be for the most part safe. I want to send my kids to a great school district too.
Phoenix - 3 Answers
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Phoenix is a large metropolitan area with Phoenix being the 5th laragest city in the country plus numerous connecting suburbs. It can take two hours to drive from one area in the southeastern part of the metropolitan area toone in the northwestern part. Therefore you need to live near your place of employment. Northern part of Glendale and Phoenix are nice with gated areas and I also really like the Queen Creek area with its beautiful scenery and amazing home values. There are pockets of crime everywhere so you really need a realtor to help you zero in on the best place for you and your children to live.
I hate answering questions after Pepper. She usually nails the answers. All I can do is tell you that Cave Creek and Scottsdale are safe areas and have the 7th and 6th ranked school districts in the state. Just to help yourself a little more check the demographics and crime stats for these cities which make up the Phoenix Metro area: Buckeye Goodyear Avondale Tolleson Glendale Peoria Surprise Cave Creek Scottsdale Tempe Gilbert Chandler Mesa I'm sure I missed a few.
Um then you should move to any of the 47 better public school system states. I'm not joking, AZ is ranked 48 out of 50 in public school systems, they are awful. And it's cheap cost of living because it sucks. #1 for kidnapping in the country, #1 for car theft in the country, no gun laws or licenses anyone can have a gun on them. My boyfriend lives in a very nice neighborhood and his house was broken into. Do a little more research before you bring children here, obviously cheap is not always the best option.
My children and I are thinking about moving to the Phoenix Arizona area. The cost of living is awesome and we can live nice for a low price. What area in Phoenix is the safest area to raise kids? I know Arizona has alot of crime but I am sure there are some safer areas to raise kids and be for the most part safe. I want to send my kids to a great school district too.
Phoenix - 3 Answers
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Phoenix is a large metropolitan area with Phoenix being the 5th laragest city in the country plus numerous connecting suburbs. It can take two hours to drive from one area in the southeastern part of the metropolitan area toone in the northwestern part. Therefore you need to live near your place of employment. Northern part of Glendale and Phoenix are nice with gated areas and I also really like the Queen Creek area with its beautiful scenery and amazing home values. There are pockets of crime everywhere so you really need a realtor to help you zero in on the best place for you and your children to live.
I hate answering questions after Pepper. She usually nails the answers. All I can do is tell you that Cave Creek and Scottsdale are safe areas and have the 7th and 6th ranked school districts in the state. Just to help yourself a little more check the demographics and crime stats for these cities which make up the Phoenix Metro area: Buckeye Goodyear Avondale Tolleson Glendale Peoria Surprise Cave Creek Scottsdale Tempe Gilbert Chandler Mesa I'm sure I missed a few.
Um then you should move to any of the 47 better public school system states. I'm not joking, AZ is ranked 48 out of 50 in public school systems, they are awful. And it's cheap cost of living because it sucks. #1 for kidnapping in the country, #1 for car theft in the country, no gun laws or licenses anyone can have a gun on them. My boyfriend lives in a very nice neighborhood and his house was broken into. Do a little more research before you bring children here, obviously cheap is not always the best option.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Susanne Summers + Orangedale Elementary school?
Susanne Summers + Orangedale Elementary school?
Susanne i can't stop thinking about you. You will never remember me, but you were like in my 1st grade class at Orangedale elementary school (phoenix, arizona). It's now almost 20 years and i still can't forget about you. I was mean to you, but I didn't mean to be. If you're out there email me. westernmessage
Phoenix - 1 Answers
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Sorry, I dont think Yahoo is the best way to get your message out to her. U may want to try writing a letter to her publicist or something like that and u may want to make it more professional. But I hope u get your message across.
Susanne i can't stop thinking about you. You will never remember me, but you were like in my 1st grade class at Orangedale elementary school (phoenix, arizona). It's now almost 20 years and i still can't forget about you. I was mean to you, but I didn't mean to be. If you're out there email me. westernmessage
Phoenix - 1 Answers
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Sorry, I dont think Yahoo is the best way to get your message out to her. U may want to try writing a letter to her publicist or something like that and u may want to make it more professional. But I hope u get your message across.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Making a move to Phoenix Arizona?
Making a move to Phoenix Arizona?
Hello! I recently was hired to work in Phoenix. I am looking for furnished apartments in the Phoenix area. Does anyone know of any websites I could look at? I also want to move close to the school. Also, if you have ever visited or live in Phoenix could someone provide me with some feedback on the good areas? I am coming from Ohio and I would like to move in a nice area Rent around 700-800 a month. Any feedback would help a great deal!
Phoenix - 3 Answers
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Here's a link to the Arizona Republic classifieds: http://www.azcentral.com/realestate/republicrentals.html
I suggest craiglist. They have some good choices. You can get a nice room within an hour of browsing..
Good areas- Scottsdale, North Phoenix, Peoria, Tempe, Chandler Bad areas- South Phoenix, Glendale, Downtown, Avondale, Tolleson, Chandler You can look on apartments.com or rent.com You should be able to find something decent in your price range, but I'm not sure about furnished.
Hello! I recently was hired to work in Phoenix. I am looking for furnished apartments in the Phoenix area. Does anyone know of any websites I could look at? I also want to move close to the school. Also, if you have ever visited or live in Phoenix could someone provide me with some feedback on the good areas? I am coming from Ohio and I would like to move in a nice area Rent around 700-800 a month. Any feedback would help a great deal!
Phoenix - 3 Answers
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Here's a link to the Arizona Republic classifieds: http://www.azcentral.com/realestate/republicrentals.html
I suggest craiglist. They have some good choices. You can get a nice room within an hour of browsing..
Good areas- Scottsdale, North Phoenix, Peoria, Tempe, Chandler Bad areas- South Phoenix, Glendale, Downtown, Avondale, Tolleson, Chandler You can look on apartments.com or rent.com You should be able to find something decent in your price range, but I'm not sure about furnished.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
I need information on skilled trades apprenticeships in Phoenix or Tucson Arizona.?
I need information on skilled trades apprenticeships in Phoenix or Tucson Arizona.?
College is not for me, but neither is the 9 to 5 minimum wage deal either. I live here in Omaha, which is very unsatisfactory to me. I'm about to graduate high school in May, and need a big change of life Input, anybody? Any help appreciated.
Other - Careers & Employment - 2 Answers
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There is no jobs, I repeat no jobs right now, I was reading on what states are the worse in the economy right now, and Arizona and Nevada are at the top of the list. Arizona and Nevada both too, pay the least of most states even for skilled workers. Id find a better place maybe a state that is union to get better pay. Watch for workers needed to clean up in North Dakota after their flood, there will be money to be made for proably a year, good money. Sad its because of the flood, but they will need people desperately.
Hey Frank, Skilled trades jobs are hard to come by right now. I know. I've been a roofer for 33 years and this is the toughest time I' been through. I've never had a hard time getting a job. But right now I wouldn't want to try. The company I work for has downsized from 9 employees to 3. But we had to take a wage cut and lose our benefits. I live in N. Cal. and the unemployment rate is at 10 1/2 % right now. Most companies don't want to hire apprentices as the cost of workers comp is too high. California and Arizona are pretty much on the same scale, although I've heard Arizona may still have some construction going on. Good Luck! johnny b
College is not for me, but neither is the 9 to 5 minimum wage deal either. I live here in Omaha, which is very unsatisfactory to me. I'm about to graduate high school in May, and need a big change of life Input, anybody? Any help appreciated.
Other - Careers & Employment - 2 Answers
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There is no jobs, I repeat no jobs right now, I was reading on what states are the worse in the economy right now, and Arizona and Nevada are at the top of the list. Arizona and Nevada both too, pay the least of most states even for skilled workers. Id find a better place maybe a state that is union to get better pay. Watch for workers needed to clean up in North Dakota after their flood, there will be money to be made for proably a year, good money. Sad its because of the flood, but they will need people desperately.
Hey Frank, Skilled trades jobs are hard to come by right now. I know. I've been a roofer for 33 years and this is the toughest time I' been through. I've never had a hard time getting a job. But right now I wouldn't want to try. The company I work for has downsized from 9 employees to 3. But we had to take a wage cut and lose our benefits. I live in N. Cal. and the unemployment rate is at 10 1/2 % right now. Most companies don't want to hire apprentices as the cost of workers comp is too high. California and Arizona are pretty much on the same scale, although I've heard Arizona may still have some construction going on. Good Luck! johnny b
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Any online high schools in Arizona?
Any online high schools in Arizona?
Is there any online high schools in Arizona (Phoenix area) that provide a computer while enrolled? If so, any links? Or the name of the school? Thank you.
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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You can easily compare info about these schools in this site - edu.2kool4u.net
Is there any online high schools in Arizona (Phoenix area) that provide a computer while enrolled? If so, any links? Or the name of the school? Thank you.
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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You can easily compare info about these schools in this site - edu.2kool4u.net
Friday, May 6, 2011
Where can I find places to train and wrestle outside of high school?
Where can I find places to train and wrestle outside of high school?
I'm in high school but don't want to wrestle for my high school. Where and what places teach and train you high school wrestling in or around Peoria/phoenix Arizona? Not submission or MMA wreslting. I tried looking online and can' find anything
Wrestling - 2 Answers
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Sorry, I'm not familiar with this Phoenix that you speak of.
I'm in high school but don't want to wrestle for my high school. Where and what places teach and train you high school wrestling in or around Peoria/phoenix Arizona? Not submission or MMA wreslting. I tried looking online and can' find anything
Wrestling - 2 Answers
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Sorry, I'm not familiar with this Phoenix that you speak of.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
What is the tuition for Phoenix Univeristy in Arizona?
What is the tuition for Phoenix Univeristy in Arizona?
My project for this university is due in 4 days and the only info I'm missing is the tuition for this school. Could someone please tell me this before Friday!? Thank you ^_^
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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Tuition for the University of Phoenix, Phoenix campus is $9,765 according to http://Finfo.com. Here's the link: http://www.finfo.com/college/retreive/fcff1046baff24d2de9426b790dbb66acdc5dbf8a9ca4a88be840d62c77f0e42 Good luck with your project!
Approx $1200 per 3 credit class
My project for this university is due in 4 days and the only info I'm missing is the tuition for this school. Could someone please tell me this before Friday!? Thank you ^_^
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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Tuition for the University of Phoenix, Phoenix campus is $9,765 according to http://Finfo.com. Here's the link: http://www.finfo.com/college/retreive/fcff1046baff24d2de9426b790dbb66acdc5dbf8a9ca4a88be840d62c77f0e42 Good luck with your project!
Approx $1200 per 3 credit class
Monday, May 2, 2011
Where can I buy a tennis racket in phoenix arizona and what price.?
Where can I buy a tennis racket in phoenix arizona and what price.?
trying out for tennis team at school and i need my own tennis equipment at a good price help me!!!
Tennis - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
www.tenniswarehouse.com this website guarantees the cheapest prices and ships within two days. It is a great place to buy/research rackets.
A good place to search would be Babolat.com for their nearest stores (they have a part of their website is a store finder) but even then you can go to a "dicks sporting goods" or "sports authority" and find a ok O3 racquet..
You live in a desert, because you can buy it anywhere online or at your local sport store. Oh tennis racquets can go from $15 to $300, depending on your skill level.
trying out for tennis team at school and i need my own tennis equipment at a good price help me!!!
Tennis - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
www.tenniswarehouse.com this website guarantees the cheapest prices and ships within two days. It is a great place to buy/research rackets.
A good place to search would be Babolat.com for their nearest stores (they have a part of their website is a store finder) but even then you can go to a "dicks sporting goods" or "sports authority" and find a ok O3 racquet..
You live in a desert, because you can buy it anywhere online or at your local sport store. Oh tennis racquets can go from $15 to $300, depending on your skill level.
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